Friday, January 11, 2008

The ultimate proof of biking

So. Mark Malkoff's brilliant video of his visits to all the 171 Starbucks on Manhattan is nothing but - the ultimate proof of biking as the way of transportation in New York. By far the fastest smoothest and easiest way. For about 14 hours that is...

Mark lives in IKEA until tomorrow..!

Actually i do think this is hilarious. Mark Malkoff lives in IKEA for a week. Of course it is a major PR-happening for both of them - but it is quite entertaining along the way. Those of you staying in NY can still go there to have a look. Read the funny story at Mark lives in IKEA.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Writers cramp

I have to admit i did get some kind of writers cramp the very instant i left NYC. It was much more difficult to have parallell blogs than i thought. The thing is i cannot just translate the blog because it is so specifically written for swedish readers. I have to rewrite each post.

But still i do need to communicate with my surroundings and if it is non-swedish i have to write in non-swedish. So. This is a second try and first of all i will translate my recent swedish postings. More or less. Please feel free to comment. And enjoy..!

Posts will be published below. Synked with the real dates.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Somewhat absurd

Finally me and my brother installed wireless in our house. Realise here and now - browsing the last news before bed - i have met absolutely no one besides family since i came home. And didnt even think of it.

Sitting here in the darkness in the middle of nowhere browsing pages from all over the world. All alone. Ma & pa have gone to bed. House in the pod. A cat round my feet. Far away through the music i hear the clock strike twelve. Absolutely love it.

How easily one adjusts. Do not miss New York the very least right now. Doesnt even feel like i changed tempo. Barely as if have been there at all. Softish. But i know i will miss New York badly the 3rd of february. Because that will be the day before i leave.

A bit upset

Today i went through the mail from the fall. And actually got upset. So much information that i do not need. Not to mention all those club cards and discounts. Why not sent sent electronically instead.

Obviously it would be much more environmental and service minded to add the discounts directly into the card. But i realise companies would never afford actually giving all their customers discount.

Being pathetically upset already i decided it couldnt get worse. Loud and clear - and a tad entertaining i might add - i read my complaint letters aloud to my dad at the other side of the office desk. Dearest Complaints Receiver, i am in most cases a very satisfied customer. But i do not wish to receive any more letters. It is annoying outdated and non-environmental. Etc etc. And best regards.

Not only that letters require paper. They are to be sent. How much forest do we really have to destroy to receive absolutely superfluous information. How much carbon do we really have to use to send unwanted letters. None.