Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A bit upset

Today i went through the mail from the fall. And actually got upset. So much information that i do not need. Not to mention all those club cards and discounts. Why not sent sent electronically instead.

Obviously it would be much more environmental and service minded to add the discounts directly into the card. But i realise companies would never afford actually giving all their customers discount.

Being pathetically upset already i decided it couldnt get worse. Loud and clear - and a tad entertaining i might add - i read my complaint letters aloud to my dad at the other side of the office desk. Dearest Complaints Receiver, i am in most cases a very satisfied customer. But i do not wish to receive any more letters. It is annoying outdated and non-environmental. Etc etc. And best regards.

Not only that letters require paper. They are to be sent. How much forest do we really have to destroy to receive absolutely superfluous information. How much carbon do we really have to use to send unwanted letters. None.

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